Dropbox for iOS which will allow to create and edit Office documents

Dropbox for iOS which will allow to create and edit Office documents


After announcing a partnership between Microsoft and Dropbox are expected to be represented and better integration of the functionalities of Office Web.

One of the first functionalities is an opportunity through the Dropbox iOS app to edit Office documents.

IOS users will be able to opening documents who is created in Office directly via Dropbox, and the recently announced it will be able to created Office documents directly from a web repository.

The novelty will be adding comments in Dropbox which will enable a simpler and better collaboration on a huge number of users.

Change comes in navigating and now documents can be sorted by date of last change or creation of the document, versus previously only by name.


According to announcements, Dropbox will automatically save all documents whose changes is made in Office 365 platform, and will have an option to invite others to edit the document.

Dropbox also will be available for Windows Phone, although the synchronization of documents in Office 365 will be possible only for Android and iOS.

For more information visit officia blog

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