YouTube interrupts support for older devices

YouTube interrupts support for older devices


You can see this on your smart TV
YouTube is upgrading to a newer version, which is not supported by this device or app.

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YouTube has made changes in its API tool to enable new features. Such changes can leave a certain category of users without their YouTube application that will no longer work on some older devices.
As older devices are considered devices that are manufactured in and before 2012, and that includes smart TVs from Sony and Panasonic, Blu-ray discs, iOS devices, as well as older versions of Google TV.
For most users who change their devices recently for several years, this wont be a problem, but those who still use some of the old devices, and they use the YouTube application, you will be disappointed for sure.
Does it applies to older computers. Processors with a single core don’t work good to and there are showing a problems. Does that mean that after that will also be terminated fully support of them.

For more you can find on google support official website


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