How to clear your browser from malware
How to clear your browser from malware
AdwCleaner is a program that searches for and deletes Adware, Toolbars, Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP), and browser Hijackers from your computer.
AdwCleaner removing: Extra browser toolbars, adware, and other unwanted programs who is slow down your browser.
My browser work slowly it’s terrible
My browser work slowly it’s terrible. You have too much malware in your browser.
I recommend this cleaner which helped me many times. This is Adwcleaner . Its free and easy for use .
Download HERE
This is link from official web site
How to clear your browser from malware
- Click on icon and press run .
2. Click on Scan
3. Wait for searching a malware on your browser
4. When finished searching click Clean
5. Maybe will ask you this so click ok and after this will ask you for reboot then click ok and your pc will reboot and this is it .
AdwCleaner is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 in 32 & 64 bits.
We hope that this article “How to clear your browser from malware” would be helpful for you.
Ivan, I downloaded the app and tried to run it on my WIN XP Machine. Unfortunately, doesn’t work. A friend of mine run it on his WIN 7 machine and is now kissing my feet since I brought his attention to the app. Any hints regarding running the app on WIN XP?
Thanking you in anticipation,
Wolfgang. The application has been tested several times on all Windows operating systems. On the official website says.
“Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / Windows 10 32-Bit and 64-Bit”
Sometimes if you have a lot of viruses”malicious software” do not allow to work. first try with other applications from B.C. ….. like a Combofix, Rkill, junkware,
And make sure that you have disabled your antivirus. Before starting the application
Hi Ivan, Thanks for the tip. Junkware did the trick. Now I’m kissing your feet! Everything works great.
Hi Wolfgang, i’m glad to hear that