How to Remove Worm.Win32.Passma (Removal Instructions)

How to Remove Worm.Win32.Passma (Removal Instructions)

Worm.Win32.Passma (alias W32/Passma worm.) is privacy-infringing malicious software that is able to do quite a bit of harm to the system it infiltrates. Worm.Win32.Passma propagates in several ways. One of these may be the use of spam Email that is sent by automated machines (bots) and come with contagious attachments.

If you click one of those attached files, you may unknowingly help hackers promote their nasty cyber offspring. Another method of Worm.Win32.Passma distribution (a more widespread one) is through security backdoors and small leaks in the targeted systems.

The worm can quickly make its way through such splits and find itself inside your Operating System without you knowing about that. When on board, Worm.Win32.Passma configures your OS to run some bad executables every time you log into Windows. This effect is achieved through some changes made to Windows Registry.

These corrupt processes are Passma.exe and Servicemgr.exe, and they will determine the extent to which you can feel protected when using your machine. Worm.Win32.Passma can steal passwords and other private information stored on your workstation.

One additional instance of Worm.Win32.Passma’s activity is its establishing a background connection with an external IRC server thus giving remote attackers the access to your system. All in all, It’s not recommended to ignore the presence of such mendacious and perilous parasite like a Worm.Win32.Passma on your computer.

Please stick to some of the tips below to secure your PC from the impact of this worm.

How to Remove Worm.Win32.Passma manually:

Worm.Win32.Passma manual deletion procedure:

Get rid of the related corrupt files:

Pressing “Windows Key + “R” to open the run command. And type “regedit

How to Remove Worm.Win32.Passma

and press enter for opening “Registry Editor.

How to Remove Worm.Win32.Passma

Delete the associated registry entries:

  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\virtual maid.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion guid.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\virtual maidvirtual maid.

Please note that Worm.Win32.Passma manual removal is a procedure of high complexity and should be performed with extreme caution. Lack of the required skills and even the slightest deviation from the instructions may cause irreparable system damage.

We hope that this article would be helpful for you.

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