Useful tips for Windows 10 users

Useful tips for Windows 10 users

In this article we will show you Useful tips for Windows 10 users. Although it was just launched on July 29th, Microsoft’s new operating system – Windows 10 has attracted between 25 million and 45 million users. The statistic based on download numbers. The new version makes a step back by bringing many of the familiarity of Windows 7 combined with the innovations included in Windows 8.
If you have upgraded or planned to upgrade, you should know the below customizations:

Get Cortana ready to work for you

Useful tips for Windows 10

Cortana – the personal assistant of Microsoft is known as one of the biggest features in Windows 10. The new search box usually contains Cortana. It will appear after you upgrade Window 10. The users can enable it first to launch the feature for the first time. It is easy to set up. You can click on the Action Centre in the system tray and then click on “All Settings.” Because the new Operating system is only available in some countries including US, Britain, China, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, you must change the country to one of them under time and language, select region and language. Finally, Cortana will appear in your search bar.

Personalizing Microsoft Edge

The new default web browser named as Edge can’t replace Chrome and Firefox.

Set Default Apps

The new OS consists of the ability to for users to set their default programs. If you have no interest in experiencing them, you can change all the default settings by clicking on Setting->System->Default apps. And choose what apps open what files, reset to the Microsoft settings.
Pin Settings to start menu
Your PC will be updated all settings if you pin to start menu as follow:
Click on Action Centre -> Settings -> right-click on your preferred setting to pin it.

Print to PDF

With Windows 10, users can save a document in the PDF format without a third-party app. It is also by default. To do so, open a file or Web page, and the option under its print menu will appear.

Turn off Wi-Fi Sense

Windows 10 users are afraid that their Wi-Fi network is shared without their permit. It is also a concerned problem because users’ information or data will be shared on social media or e-mail. So, it is necessary to disable this feature.
Go to: Setting-> Network and Internet -> Wi-Fi -> Manage Wi-Fi settings.

Guard your privacy

Users regard Windows 10 as a “thief” of technology field because all data and privacy of them will be collected to send to Microsoft. Therefore, to avoid it, you should disable it as follow: Click on settings-> Privacy -> General and turn off the option. And turn off the option “feedback and diagnostics.

We hope that this article “Useful tips for Windows 10 users” would be good for you.


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