When use Google Chrome, my computer is running slow

When use Google Chrome, my computer is running slow

 If you use it the browser Chrome, this is your solution.

If you use it “Google Chrome” and open multiple windows of different websites, then surely you have experienced a problem with the activation of the programs on your computer.

There is a solution for this problem.

my computer is running slow

The Great Suspender is a chrome extension to help reduce chrome’s memory footprint for users that like to have too many tabs open at the same time.

This addition is very simple don’t use too much space, don’t makes some data in the background, are easily activated and allows you to choose when some of the tabs will go on sleep mode. Tabs that are asleep will activate again when you open that tab, so that from it nothing will be lost, and will continue where you left off.

The Great Suspender is a plugin who are easily activate.

For more information visit This link from official Google web store

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