Gizeh Silver Tip Boy Review

Gizeh Silver Tip Boy Review

In a lot of Country, Cigarettes are very expensive and because of this, a lot of people buy a tobacco and make own cigarettes at a house because is cheaper. Here of this post, I will make a review for “Gizeh Silver Tip Boy” cigarette tubes.

Gizeh Silver Tip Boy

What is “Gizeh Silver Tip Boy”?

Gizeh Silver Tip Boy is a machine for filling cigarettes at home or whatever you want. With this machine, you can make your own cigarettes which are very similar to manufactured cigarettes.
This model is very good and durable I really recommend you this model and also is very easy and simple to use.

How Gizeh Silver Tip Boy works

Box of this item come with instructions, also you can see in this video how it work.

Instructions on the box of this video are written in the German language because this model original is manufactured in Germany.
I think that Gizeh Silver Tip Boy filling Cigarette tubes are very easy to use for everyone.( Not including children under 18 age.)

How does it work? You need to have a Tobacco as a first and fill the trough with tobacco. Open the upper part as shown in Video, and then insert of tobacco in the void of the machine, and then press with the piece of plastic from above, and always try to make correct dose of tobacco. And after that add a cigarette tube (Filter) in the white hole which is located at the end of the machine.
And then push the slider down and up to fill the tube with tobacco. Like this in The video.
Finally, you will see a finished cigarette. Cigarette look like a shop bought the cigarette. So make your own cigarette and enjoy.

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I hope that this article (Gizeh Silver Tip Boy Review) would be helpful for you.


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