Weller Soldering Iron

Weller Soldering Iron

Weller is the most used soldering iron brand in the world and also, I think most popular. They have a wide variety of soldering products that are suitable for beginner and advanced users. Choosing the correct tip and wattage for your Weller soldering iron is encouraged for getting the most productivity out of your soldering iron.


Buying a welder is not ‘a simple task. In the market there are many solutions than economic ones to some very expensive.

Taking into account that a good welder lasts for several years and which normally must operate on very delicate components, it is good to spend it right the first time. The advice ‘to buy a soldering station with electronic temperature control.

The manufacturers

The more manufacturers ‘notes are to be preferred, since’ also have spare parts and various bits and accessories that can be purchased later as needed.

The soldering station should be low voltage isolated from the power supply, with ground connection to eliminate static electricity and thus avoid ‘damaging components more’ delicate.

The latter are extremely harmful for some components such as FET and CMOS circuits. The tips of the welder are also of paramount importance.

Should be chosen the right size in relation to the work to be done and should be kept clean. When welding never use the dough firm. The pool to use already contains’ a substance flux suitable for electronic circuits.

The tips should be cleaned using solder wire that burning fuses the flux contained in the soul of the wire and cleaning the tip.

During the melting of the flux is can ‘see the classic wisp of smoke coming out from the tip of the soldering iron. This’ sign that the flux is doing its job.

Finally Clean

Finally clean the solder, remove the excess solder with the sponge wet supplied.

When and ‘hot and not in use, the soldering iron is inserted into the cradle spiral and should never be left unattended on the table thus avoiding’ the risk of burning some object or get nasty burns or scalds

Here are 3 Soldering Station

WLC100 Soldering Station
Weller Soldering Iron

The Weller WLC100 Soldering Station is equipped with everything you need to start soldering joints and electrical components together. This soldering station is designed with the do-it-yourselfer in mind and has a pencil lightweight iron. The iron comes with a holder, cushioned foam grip, and a replaceable heating element.
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 WES51 Analog Soldering Station
Weller Soldering Iron

The Weller WES51 comes with a soldering pencil, sponge, and stand. This soldering station is perfect for almost any type of application. It is very ideal for industrial manufacturing, repair, rework, and much more. The foam grip makes work very comfortable and the heat controls give you complete control over your soldering projects. The Weller WES51 is also among the safest irons to use due to the non-burnable silicone rubber chord and the automatic shut off function.
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WESD51 Digital Soldering Station
Weller Soldering Iron

This soldering station lets you set the heating level to your work specifications. The heating level can go anywhere from 350-850 degrees Fahrenheit. The built-in heat and sensor technology allow for quick heat up times and temperature recovery for a more precise heat control. The Weller WESD51 also comes with a wireless temperature lockout that will automatically set the temperature for whatever piece you working on. This will prevent accidental burnouts that can occur by overheating components.
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I hope that this article (Weller Soldering Iron) would be helpful for you.


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