AD1981B driver Windows 7

AD1981B driver Windows 7

Here we have an audio AD1981B driver for AD1981B chip for Windows 7 Operating System. And instruction on how to install that Driver.

The driver is tested and works fine. I spent too much time to find it. so I want to share it with you.

AD1981B driver Hardware ids





Note: Perhaps before the installation will be necessary to download and install WinRar.(Here you can download WinRar).

To uncompress the file with the .rar extension that you downloaded.

Тhere are two different versions You can download drivers from this link

AD1981B DriversAD1981B driver

AD1981B DriversAD1981B driver

Installation instructions

AD1981B driver

1. Click right click on Computer then properties and go on device manager and go on missing audio driver then click right click on him and Update Driver Software

2. Click on Browse my computer for driver Software

3. Find where you download and extract driver and choice ( AD1981B) then click ok

4. Click ” Next ” And your driver will start installing

5. And after installation you need to restart the computer and enjoy it.

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